Python Pune July 2016 Meetup
Python Pune July 2016 Monthly Meetup was held on 30th July 2016, Saturday at Red Hat Pune office. This meetup was mainly focused on sharing the knowledge of Python with each other.
How do I automate my boring stuff using Python?
Writing unit tests for any Python Script
Regular Expressions in Python
Static v/s Dynamically typed languages
Session started with as usual introductions of the attendees.Chandan briefly explained about the Meetup motive and also few other announcements regarding Python Month, and PyCon India 2016.
Regular Expressions in Python - Rahul Bajaj
Rahul started with his talk on using the Regular Expressions in Python. It was introductory, and he have also explained it with the pretty good example where he have implemnted the RE in his demo code.
How do I automate my boring stuff using Python? - Suraj Narwade
We all complain about doing the repeatative tasks in our day to day lives. We should definitely try making our lives easier by automating them. In this talk Suraj explained how he have automated his task of social media volunteering in PyCon India 2016, by writing a simple python script to tweet about the talks at regular intervals of around 2 hours. Here is the script by Suraj.
Lot of project ideas came from the attendees itself. Many of them also shared few of their automation ideas.
Writing unit tests for any Python Script - Sudhir Verma
Unit testing is considered an essential part of software development. Through unit testing, we can evaluate each code component, find out how well it performs, and determine how well it reacts to valid or invalid input. A regression suite of unit tests is also an excellent way of detecting unexpected changes in a code base caused by refactoring or writing new code.
Sudhir explained how he uses unit tests for his projects.
Static v/s Dynamically typed languages - Ganesh Kadam
This was just a lightning talk about static v/s dynamically typed language. I just spoke briefly on this topic, with respect to the blog I have read on Hacker News that Chandan has asked us to read. This blog was about the ASCIINEMA application that records the sessions on your bash shell and uploads it to their website, so that it can be used to share. ASCIINEMA was ported back to Python from Golang. We just discussed how we should choose the apporpirate programming languages depending on our requirements. It was a good learning experience.
Python Pune July 2016 Meetup Group Photo
We ended up with positive feedbacks from attendees and a group photo and also decided about our next Meetups. Thanks Red Hat Pune for helping us organize this meetup.
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